About me.

I’m a Paraguayan-European third-cultured woman who has dipped in and out of fields and found her absolute passion guiding others in their life. I want people to live authentically, in alignment with their purpose, and be the full expression of who they are. My mission is for people to examine their lives, reflect on their values, explore their humanness, and connect with their creative being, in order to live authentically, in peace and lead their life with joy.

I am passionate about guiding people to make the right choices for their unique spiritual being to thrive in joy and to be the person and member of a community they feel comfortable being using all aspects of their selves. I deeply wish people would stop living a reactionary existence using destructive coping mechanisms programmed in childhood for the sake of attachment and start living a conscious existence, with compassion for themselves and others and to be emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically healthy.

Why? Because we don't need to choose between attachment to relationships that don’t serve us (although we think they do) and being ourselves authentically. Because I believe that nobody's existence should be stuck in a cycle of pain and that every single human being can see the light if they are guided to live in awareness. 

After 5 years of studying Psychology at the University of Barcelona, I began building a company from zero with a high-risk product and working two other jobs to pay my bills. Two years later I was a burnt-out entrepreneur, my start-up failed, but I was serendipitously offered to manage a Danish international real estate company, Casamona. I ran Casamona for two years and learnt that a business can thrive by leading with integrity, values and authenticity, as opposed to focusing on profit, engaging in aggressive business tactics or treating individuals insensitively. 

I then accepted an invitation to work at a tech start-up as a product manager and growth hacker in London. I went from managing a team of 25 and happily dealing intimately with international clients 7 days a week to managing a software product with screens, logic trees, and algorithms and dealing with a team of 5 where emotions were not welcome. I was thirsty for the challenge and done with the real estate world, but the difference in values and company culture was enormous. My salary was huge, and the project had all the needed resources and brainpower for success, but I fell into a deep depression.

It was a breakthrough moment for me. Not only because of the depression, but because I was a minefield of suppressed negative emotions that were exploding each day. My childhood traumas were surfacing and everything was too much. I was suffering deeply. After a very dark year, hours of contemplation, days of sadness, and bitter coldness, I quit. Not just my job, but my life. 

I ended the lease on my flat, left my job and flew to a beautiful forest where I lived for a month with the Rainbow Tribe. I connected to Mother Nature, her elements, her medicine. I lived in a community where compassion and freedom were the spoken languages, where the medicines to heal the soul, mind and body were dancing, singing, listening, expressing, hugging, sharing and being freely. I went to live with a tribe that held the same values as the indigenous people from my country - I felt I was home, with a far greater connection to my Self and to my authentic desire and will to guide people emotionally and spiritually. I made it through my suffering, and I could help others do the same. 

I enrolled to do my Masters in Humanistic Integrative Psychotherapy at the Erich Fromm Institute in Barcelona with the pioneers of Humanistic Psychotherapy in Spain. It was an honour to work side by side by true masters, absorb their wisdom and learn their methods. I also enrolled at the Academy of Healing Nutrition in London, where I learnt Traditional Chinese Medicine & Taoist principles of longevity. I then furthered my education with Dr. Gabor Maté, a deep honour, and an enormous part of my therapeutic approach today. In the last 5 years I have also deepened my studies with plant medicines, spending time with the indigenous, learning their ways, and developing a better understanding of how plants can heal us and how our connection with the spiritual world helps cultivate a stronger, more trusting sense of being. 

My work encompasses a biological, psychological, social, and spiritual approach to well-being. The model adopted in my practice is based on Integrative Humanistic Psychotherapy, integrated with Taoist philosophy and Traditional Chinese Medicine Principles. More specifically, my theoretical psychological approach is existential-humanistic, and I work with Bioenergetic Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, and Transactional Analysis, amongst other humanistic models and Dr Gabor Maté’s Compassionate Inquiry approach. I’m also currently training with Eckhart Tolle in Becoming a Teacher of Presence. My studies with the indigenous Huni Kuin people of Brazil and the Kogi and Wiwa people of the Sierra Nevada of Colombia has a huge impact in my work as they have taught me the power of prayer, community, unity, and of medicinal plants to guide us back to our essential selves, joy and peace.

I work with individuals who need support in their personal life in 1-1 sessions online, with entrepreneurs, business leaders and executives who need guidance with the purpose of thriving in their professional and personal life, as well as those starting their spiritual journey and in a process of transformation. Whichever one of these you feel in resonance with - I am here for you. 

I’m on a mission to support people to grow, heal, expand their awareness to live the life they want with confidence, joy and freedom. Please connect with me if you'd like - I'd love to hear from you.

Wishing you healing, transformation, and joy, 
